The PUBG Fixing Campaign Continues

Last year, the popular game PUBG initiated a worldwide campaign that aimed at fixing and eliminating the loads of bugs within the popular platform. However, the popular fix PUBG campaign brought about also some interesting features and updates that lured in more gamers. Initially, the main purpose of the wholesome fixing plans was to stop the game from suddenly crashing amidst the matches which of course caused significant disturbance to the players; but as the fixes were implemented in the game and the matches started to get better and less bugs existed, the PUBG developers decided to refute any allegations that the popular game isn’t presenting any new gaming aspects due to the technical issues that have come up; so the players of PUBG were pleasantly surprised with the introduction and debuts of a whole range of varied features and modes.

As an example of one of the brand new aspects of PUBG, the game now is equipped with the most demanded gaming mode which is the “Training Mode” that is designed to allow the gamer to experience the entire gaming session along with the skills needed to survive and win in a training match. And with the debut of the “Training Mode”, new ranking techniques were introduced and the individual map selection was also revived once again. The “Training Mode” is reportedly the most anticipated feature by the PUBG gamers; so when the mode debuted it was hugely welcomed, especially as it was implemented in a tough time and wasn’t expected soon. In the training match, the player gets to practice and examine the effects of his skills and the weaponry chosen; and the fact that the gamer can test the functionality of the weapons in a training session makes the new mode more useful than ever as the gamer can spend extra time experimenting with different weapons and ammunition in order to build the right winning plan and improve his gaming skills.

Additionally, the new mode provides the chance to test and practice the grenades launching ranges so that the gamer hits the target at the core. Also, the PUBG player can practice his parachute landing strategies and can spend more time testing the capabilities of the various types of vehicles. The new ranking techniques are, of course, the other updated aspect during the fixing campaign as the player’s skills and also gaming time are combined in order to determine his PUBG rank. All in all, the PUBG campaign is still bringing more and more new updates to the game as a recent unique skins exchange system is being introduced to enable the players to get rid of the unnecessary skins for more useful ones!

PUBG Player


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