New PUBG Patch Brings New Gaming Experiences

Since its launch, the viral game PUBG – PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds – has been achieving increasing success as the gaming platform is becoming a favorite for millions of users across the world. And in 2019, the game’s developers are more determined to continue with the success of PUBG by introducing many more gaming features and new modes and gadgets. The newest patch of the game, patch 27, has been unveiled and is going to be tested before it debuts internationally. Patch 27 is reported to bring about balance features to the weapons along with the MP5K and loot spawn rates. The newest PUBG patch is debuting on PCs and is expected to be available for the entire gaming industry after one week of testing the new features. Gamers all over the world are very excited to try out the new features patch 27 introduces; particularly, the 9mm MP5K SMG that is making an appearance and is going to be available only to Vikendi.

The new PUBG update is also introducing the newer Survivor Pass – Wild Card – which is going to amp up the game’s sessions as it offers the players more than sixty rewards; the Survivor Pass is planned to exist for only ten weeks after which it’ll disappear or get suspended. Moreover, the developers of PUBG are more keen on benefiting from the players’ feedbacks and rates in order to make the game more efficient and interesting. That’s why the new patch is modifying the Vikendi Pass and promises to flaunt an improvised mission design. So, the PUBG regular mission structure is returning to the game and the player will be able to keep an eye on his gaming progress without any problems.

Additionally, the recent update of PUBG is introducing some major features regarding the balance. For instance, loot in Erangel will be more abundantly effective whilst sporting a significant increase in the spawn rate for SMGs, ARs, LMG, DMRs amongst others. And the weapons and gaming gadgets are also going to be uniquely enhanced. Damage multipliers for sniper rifles are increased to 150% when the player hits the body. The limb shots for SMGs are also upgraded to 125%. And the player will notice that any aim punch he receives is palpably decreased in patch 27. There are many more features that have been improved and modified with the upcoming update – such as the first aid kits, weapon attachments and the grenade damages – all of which are going to be experienced by the PUBG gamers in the upcoming weeks.

PUBG Player


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