PUBG against racism

A piece of appreciable news came up that PUBG, a renowned online game, its administration banned two players in the PUBG community tournament because of their contrastive activity

During the streaming of a community tournament of PUBG two players, twitch-Envasionyx and twitch-Spoons made jokes by drawing swastikas on the maps. Using maps is an in-game feature to use maps to save the in-game time. As there was some time in the start-up of the match, so Team Fable was waiting for it. The player of Team Fabled, twitch-Spoon began to draw swastikas on maps and twitch-Envasionyx streamed these actions. Meanwhile, other team members joined up and made fun of it. This incident was proven by a Reddit post made by team player Envasionyx.

Envasionyx and spoons got punishment because they broke the rules from the Rule of conduct made by PUBG. According to Section(5) of the Rule of conduct, there should be no sexual or racial discrimination between players. The players should be kind and respectful towards each other and any type of affronting words are intolerable. On the authority of Section(6) of the Rule of conduct, there is a penalty for misbehavior. The administration has made the rule of penalties because of the protection of enjoyment of the person who is playing the game. Then if the player does not follow the Rule of conduct, mangers of the game are allowed to block the player without notifying him. If the misbehavior of the gamer goes on and he crosses all the limits then he can be banned permanently. The violation of the rules can also remove the name from the leaderboard if it exists on it.

So, the professional players Envasionyx and Spoons were banned because of their unprofessional behavior and they broke the law of the game. As this transgression was started by Spoons, so he is unauthorized permanently from the game and Envasionyx supported him, so he got a notification of a ban of 30 days from the game.

One of the tweets of PUBG shows that it is a great supporter of liberalism and wants to eradicate racism from the community. So, such misdoings by the players are seriously intolerable. The punishment because of the unlawfulness may prove as conscionable for others and they would avoid such behavior and create an amicable environment for others.


PUBG Player


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